Tuesday, July 30, 2013

This is the Block-Out Greybox model of my Final for Level Design. It is the beginning 3 rooms for my Tower Defense Game. You start the game in the room to the lower-left and expand your area/protection from there.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Finalized Midterm...

This is the final product of my Midterm Project. The top shows the Crazy Bump preview of the Texture, the center shows the texture applied to its object, and the bottom three images in each strip shows the Diffused, Normal and Specular Maps respectively. This project tested my patience as I struggled to get the textures just right and have them apply to the object without looking like they were pasted on, but I am happy with the outcome.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Midterm Barrel Texture...

This is my textured barrel for my Modeling II Midterm. Kind of simple once I got down Cylindrical Mapping and used the UVs to shape the lid to it's proper size. I'm happy with how it came out.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Textured Knife...

This is the Textured Knife I recently finished in Low-Poly. The hilt of the knife was the toughest portion as it was a pain for me to match the length of it to the actual texture. It was a rewarding project, however.