Monday, May 20, 2013

Model Food Stand

This was another Model I enjoyed working on. I did have some trouble making some of the smaller items identical to how they are in the picture (bottom right), but the general architecture of the stand I understood and got down quickly.

Model Castle and Model Sheet...

The top are Castles, with the first two being in mid-construction and the one on the right a completed version. Below that is a Model Sheet of the Models I have completed. The toughest one would have to be the Axe while the most enjoyable ones were the Cart and Desert Home.

Modeling I Updates...

These are two of the models I've done; a wooden cart and a desert home. The Low Poly Model is on the left and the high poly on the right. These are two models I enjoyed created because of the geometry. The Extrude tool was of great use with both as I was able to work the majority of the model out of one cube.